Get started with our company name search tool. Check your company name availability on our website for free and start your company formation process.

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Before you register your company in the UK, you need to make sure that your chosen company name is not already taken by another registered company, trademark, or domain name. Otherwise, you may face legal issues, confusion, or loss of reputation.

To check if your company name is available in the UK, you can use our free company name checker tool above or one of the following methods:

  • Use the Companies House online name search tool. This tool is directly linked to the Companies House register, which lists all companies that have been registered in the UK. You can enter your desired company name in the search bar and see if it is available or not. You can also see the details of any existing companies that have a similar name to yours.
  • Use the Intellectual Property Office online trademark search tool. This tool allows you to search for registered trademarks in the UK and other countries. You can enter your desired company name in the search bar and see if it is registered as a trademark or not. You can also see the details of any existing trademarks that have a similar name to yours.
  • Use a domain name registrar online search tool. This tool allows you to search for available domain names that match your desired company name. You can enter your desired company name in the search bar and see if it is available as a domain name or not. You can also see the details of any existing domain names that have a similar name to yours.

By using these methods, you can check if your company name is available in the UK and avoid any potential problems or conflicts. However, you should also consider the following tips when choosing your company name:

  • Choose a company name that is unique, memorable, and easy to spell and pronounce.
  • Choose a company name that reflects your brand identity, your products or services, and your values.
  • Choose a company name that is not offensive, misleading, or sensitive. You can find a list of words and expressions that you cannot use or that you need permission to use on the GOV.UK website.
  • Choose a company name that ends with “Limited” or “Ltd” if you are registering a private limited company, or with “Public Limited Company” or “PLC” if you are registering a public limited company. You can also use the Welsh equivalents “Cyfyngedig” or “Cyf” and “Cwmni Cyfyngedig Cyhoeddus” or “CCC” if your registered office is in Wales.

If you need more information or guidance on how to check and choose your company name in the UK, you can contact us for a free consultation and we will be happy to help you with your company formation.

Chosen your company name?

Select one of our company formation packages to form your company with your chosen name.

Package Name:

Package 1

Basic Company Formation

Package 2

Full Management Package

Package 3

Formation & Nominee Director
Starting Price:

From £350 /pa*

From £2,600 /pa*

From £1,200 /pa*

Package Features:
uk private limited company
fast formation (2-hours)
100% managed formation (we do everything for you)
no hidden fees
london registered office address
director/psc service address
digital mail forwarding from companies house & hmrc
digital certificate of incorporation
digital memorandum & articles of association
digital share certificate
utr (unique tax reference)
confirmation statement
digital first board meeting minutes
statutory deadline reminder service
complete mail-forwarding
annual accounts & corporation tax return
revolut uk bank account **
nominee director services
uk resident & british citizen nominee director
nominee director appointment agreement
power of attorney (nominee > you)

* Please note that we are registered for vat. Our prices are subject to 20% vat (unless you are based outside UK). One off package price does not include ongoing service or maintenance, these services are available separately. ** For a Revolut bank account, the ultimate beneficial owner must be the account holder.

Company Name Availability Checker Frequently Asked Questions

A:To reserve a company name, you need to register a limited company with that name. This will stop anyone else from using the same or a similar name for their limited company. Check the availability of your company name before you register it.

A:To find out if your company name is available to use, you can use our free tool that checks the official register of company names in the UK. It is quick and simple to use and gives you an instant answer. Just type in your desired company name and click “Search Availability”. If your name is taken or too similar to another name, you may have to look for other options.

A:Your company name must be unique and not too close to another registered company name. You also need to add “Limited” or “Ltd” at the end of your name if you are a limited company (they mean the same thing). You cannot use words or expressions that are sensitive, offensive, or inappropriate, or that suggest a link to the government or local authorities, unless you have permission. Your name will not be accepted if it breaks these rules.

A:Some words are prohibited in a company name. For example, any words that are offensive or illegal. A company name must not give a false impression of its business activities in a way that could harm anyone.

Words and expressions that need approval. There are some words and expressions that are not always banned in a company name but require approval from the relevant authority. Usually, these words and expressions are related to the government or public body, such as “Queen”, “King”, “Royal”, “Police”, “Law Commission” etc.

Words and expressions that are regulated by other laws. For example, you cannot use the word “charity” without the permission of the Charity Commission. Companies House oversees the use of all words and expressions that need approval or are regulated and your company will not be registered if the rules are not followed.

A:No, you cannot reserve a company name without setting up a company. The only way to secure a company name is to register a new limited company with that name.

If you want to keep your company name but not start trading right away, you can set up a dormant company. A dormant company is a company that does not do any business or receive any income. However, you still have to follow the legal requirements for filing and reporting your company information.

A:Yes, you can be exempt from using the word “Limited” or “Ltd” in a company name if you meet certain conditions. These conditions are:

  • Your company is a private company limited by guarantee
  • Your company’s articles of association state that:
    • The company’s objects are the promotion or regulation of commerce, art, science, education, religion, charity or any profession
    • The company’s income is applied to promoting its objects
    • The company does not pay dividends to its members
    • The company requires its members to contribute to its assets if it is wound up

If you meet these conditions, you can apply to Companies House for an exemption from using the word “Limited” or “Ltd” in your company name. You will need to provide evidence of your company’s objects and activities, and a copy of your articles of association. Companies House will review your application and grant or refuse the exemption. If the exemption is granted, you can omit the word “Limited” or “Ltd” from your company name on your stationery, signage, website and other documents. However, you must still include the word “Limited” or “Ltd” on your certificate of incorporation and any other official documents issued by Companies House.

A:A business or trading name is a name that a company uses to carry out its business activities, other than its registered company name. A company can have more than one business or trading name, and it can use different names for different products or services.

A business or trading name is not a legal entity and does not have any separate rights or obligations from the company that owns it. A company must always display its registered company name on its official documents and communications, such as invoices, contracts, letters and emails. A company must also disclose its registered company name and number whenever it uses a business or trading name.

A company does not need to register its business or trading name with Companies House, but it must follow certain rules when choosing and using a name. A business or trading name must not:

  • Be the same as or too similar to an existing company name or trade mark
  • Be offensive or misleading
  • Contain any sensitive words or expressions that require approval or are regulated by other laws
  • Imply a connection with the government or public authority without permission

A company can protect its business or trading name from being used by others by registering it as a trade mark with the Intellectual Property Office. A trade mark is a sign that distinguishes a company’s goods or services from those of others. A trade mark can be a word, logo, slogan, shape, colour, sound or any combination of these. A trade mark gives the owner the exclusive right to use the sign for the goods or services it covers, and to take legal action against anyone who infringes it.

A:A trade mark is a sign that distinguishes your name or brand from others. A trade mark gives you exclusive rights to use the sign for your goods or services. A registered company name does not automatically give you trade mark rights. You need to register your company name as a trade mark separately if you want to protect it from others.

To register a trade mark, you need to fill in and send a trade mark application form with the required documents and fees to the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO).

The application form will ask for specific information about your company, such as what you want to register. For example, a logo, words, or an image. The IPO will check your application and see if it meets the legal criteria. The registration process can take a few months before you get a registration certificate.

You can also register your company name and/or trading name as a domain name to secure your right to use it online.

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Our aim is to provide the best customer experience possible by delivering reliable, high quality corporate services and focusing on our clients needs as well as listening to their feedback & suggestions in order to constantly improve our services.
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