CG Incorporations blog for UK company formation, nominee directors, business start-ups, tax, corporate services, offshore company formation and more.

Unlock New Revenue & Enhance Client Value, Offer Nominee Director Services in the UK by partnering with CG Incorporations

Discover the benefits of reselling nominee director services for legal firms, accounting firms, company formation agents, and virtual office providers in the UK. Boost revenue, client loyalty, and gain a competitive edge.

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Tax & Accounting

Accountants, expand your Client Services by including Nominee Director Services

Mar 25

Discover how accountants can expand their client services by incorporating nominee director services. Learn about the benefits, legal considerations, and how to find reliable providers to enhance your firm's offerings.

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Accountants, expand your Client Services by including Nominee Director Services
Tax & Accounting

Beyond the Numbers: Unlocking Business Growth with a Good Accountant

Mar 13

Discover the multifaceted benefits of having a good accountant for your business. Learn how they can ensure compliance, optimize finances, and provide strategic advice.

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Beyond the Numbers: Unlocking Business Growth with a Good Accountant
Tax & Accounting

Accounting Services for Non-UK Resident Company Owners

Apr 22

As a non-UK resident company owner, navigating the complexities of UK accounting and tax regulations can be challenging. However, with the right accounting services, you can ensure compliance, minimize tax liability, and focus on growing your business.

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Nominees / Nominee director

How a Nominee Director Transformed a European Entrepreneur’s Business: A Case Study

Mar 28

This case study explores how a European business entrepreneur used nominee director services to reap significant benefits.

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Nominees / Nominee shareholder

Why Ukrainian Residents Should Consider Creating a UK Limited Company Using Nominee Services

Mar 27

For Ukrainian residents looking to establish a business presence in the United Kingdom, using nominee services to create a UK limited company offers a blend of privacy, efficiency, and strategic advantages.

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Nominees / Nominee director

Nominee Services, Your Shield for Privacy in Corporate Structures

Mar 27

In the ever-evolving business landscape, privacy has become a valuable commodity. Entrepreneurs and investors are increasingly seeking ways to protect their identity while complying with legal requirements. Nominee services have emerged as a pivotal solution for those aiming to maintain anonymity as directors or shareholders.

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Company formation / Non resident

How to Form a UK Company as a US Resident: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mar 11

Are you a US resident looking to expand your business horizons by setting up a company in the UK? With the right guidance, you can have your UK company up and running in no time.

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Company formation / Non resident

Quickly Form a UK Company from Overseas as a Non-Resident

Mar 07

If you are looking for a way to start a business in the UK, but you are not a resident or citizen of the country, you might be wondering how to form a UK company from overseas quickly and easily.

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Company formation / Non resident

Why register a UK company from overseas using a nominee director?

Mar 06

Registering a UK company from overseas can involve some challenges & complexities, nominee director services can help you make your company formation process much easier.

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Nominees / Nominee director

Nominee services for UK companies: what are they and why use them?

Feb 29

Nominee services are a type of service that allows a company owner to appoint a third party to act as a director, shareholder, or secretary of its company, instead of using their own name and details. Nominee services are legal and widely used in the UK, as they can offer various benefits to the company, such as privacy, compliance, or risk management.

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Nominees / nominee director

When to use nominee services for your company

Feb 21

Nominee services are a type of service that allows you to appoint a third party to act as a director, shareholder, or secretary of your company, instead of using your own name and details.

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About CG Incorporations

We are professional UK Company Formation Agents providing quick, efficient and cost effective services to both domestic and international clientele. We offer everything you need to help your new business get started.

Author: Tripty Carpenter

Author: Tripty Carpenter

A driven and determined entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience in the corporate services and accounting sector, specialising in UK company formation. Tripty is the Director and founder of CG Incorporations limited, her drive, determination, and focus on excellent customer service have been instrumental in the company's growth and continual client happiness.

More about Tripty on Linkedin
