CG Incorporations blog for UK company formation, nominee directors, business start-ups, tax, corporate services, offshore company formation and more.

Understanding Nominee Director Services

In today's global business environment, nominee director services have become increasingly essential for companies looking to expand their operations internationally.

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Nominees / nominee shareholder

Nominee Shareholder Services Unveiled: What Every Company Owner Should Know

Jul 17

Nominee shareholders play a pivotal role in corporate governance and protecting the Ultimate Beneficial Owners anonymity, acting as the bridge between UBO's and the company itself.

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Nominee Shareholder Services Unveiled: What Every Company Owner Should Know
Nominees / nominee director

The Role of Nominee Directors in UK Company Formation

Jul 09

When starting or owning a UK company, you might consider appointing a nominee director. But what exactly is a nominee director, and what role do they play?

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The Role of Nominee Directors in UK Company Formation
Nominees / nominee shareholder

How to Appoint a Nominee Shareholder

Jul 24

A nominee shareholder is a person or company that holds shares on behalf of another person. This is often done to protect the privacy of the beneficial owner, or to comply with regulatory requirements.

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Company formation

How to Appoint a Director for a UK Company

Jul 24

A director is a person who is responsible for the management of a company. They are legally responsible for the company's actions and decisions, and they must ensure that the company complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

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Nominees / nominee director

Forming an offshore company with a nominee director

Jul 19

A nominee director is an individual who is appointed by the beneficial owner of an offshore company to act as a director on their behalf.

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Company formation

How to Turn Your Passion into Your Primary Income

Jul 19

Do you have a passion that you love so much that you could do it all day long? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people around the world dream of turning their passion into their primary source of income.

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Company formation

How to Pick the Perfect Name for Your New UK Company

Jul 17

Your company name is one of the most important branding decisions you'll make. It's the first thing potential customers will see, and it will help them to remember your business and what you do.

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Company formation

Can I Set Up a Limited Company if I Have a Criminal Record?

Jul 14

If you have a criminal record, you may be wondering if you can set up a limited company. The good news is that, in most cases, you can.

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Company formation

Why Form a UK Company During Tough Economic Times?

Jul 14

Find out why forming a UK company during tough economic times is not only a good idea, but can make it easier to succeed.

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Company formation / non resident

Can a Non-Resident Start a Business in the UK

Jul 12

The UK is a popular destination for businesses of all sizes, and non-residents are just as welcome to start a business there as UK residents, form your UK company today.

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Nominees / nominee director

Why Using a Nominee Director to Protect Your Identity Is a Good Idea

Jul 12

If you are considering starting a business and forming a company, you may be wondering how to protect your identity from public scrutiny. One way to do this is to use a nominee director.

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About CG Incorporations

We are professional UK Company Formation Agents providing quick, efficient and cost effective services to both domestic and international clientele. We offer everything you need to help your new business get started.

Author: Tripty Carpenter

Author: Tripty Carpenter

A driven and determined entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience in the corporate services and accounting sector, specialising in UK company formation. Tripty is the Director and founder of CG Incorporations limited, her drive, determination, and focus on excellent customer service have been instrumental in the company's growth and continual client happiness.

More about Tripty on Linkedin
